2010年3月15日 星期一

DMTF Completes OVF 1.1 Specification, Submits for ANSI/ISO Standardization

DMTF Completes OVF 1.1 Specification, Submits for ANSI/ISO Standardization

DMTF has been very busy extending and refining the Open Virtualization Format (OVF) specification during the past few months. The organization recently completed version 1.1 of the specification and has submitted it for consideration as an ANSI and ISO standard.

Originally proposed in September 2007, the OVF specification describes an open, secure, portable, efficient and extensible format for the packaging and distribution of software to run virtual machines. There are several new components that differentiate the OVF 1.1 specification from the original version, including:

•Capability for file system-based images to increase flexibility at deployment time

•A property attribute to hide password values at the user interface

•Joliet extensions for ISO transport image

•Clarification of how the OVF manifest contain entries for individual file chunks

•Clarification of the referencing of manifest and certificate files from descriptor

DMTF has also submitted OVF to the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) "Fast-Track" process to develop it as an American National Standard at American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Once it is approved as an ANSI standard, OVF will be submitted to the International Standards Organization (ISO) for consideration as an international standardization.

This is an important milestone for DMTF that helps the organization maintain its position as a leading standards body. As part of the international verification process, the specification will be put through a number of tests to ensure it meets a complex system of checks and balances of reviews before it is adopted as an American and International standard. It must be reviewed by each of the above mentioned organizations independently to achieve adoption.

DMTF will be tracking the OVF specification as it makes its way toward becoming a national standard and then an international standard.


